Saturday, May 07, 2005 of Authority and Singlish?

As promised, I am displaying some of the photo's of the 60 countries I've been to. This is Singapore. I went to Singapore twice and had alot of fun clubbing. I had a nice romance. I did alot of shopping. There was a famous shopping district (like Hong Kong) for technologies and it was cheap by Asian standards. I can say this, the shopping districts in Los Angeles and San Francisco (I've never been to the ones in NY) are definitely cheaper, but man did Singapore have a HUGE selection of Stuff. Where I would choose from 30 cameras in the US, they had 200 cameras. Lots of gold and jewelery. I would love to go back now with all the comp and digital stuff available. I wonder if it is still a shopping mecca? Well it was beautiful and clean. The people were very friendly and the food was fantastic. Definitely need to go back some time and see the all the changes...